War generates deep scars that endure long after the physical conflicts cease. The psychological ramifications, particularly PTSD, significantly impede emotional regulation and lead to broader physiological issues. Individuals suffering from PTSD experience chronic stress responses, releasing cortisol that can trigger serious health issues, ranging from adrenal fatigue to increased susceptibility to cancer and cardiovascular difficulties. Such health crises showcase a dire need for comprehensive treatment strategies that address both the psychological and physical wounds inflicted by warfare.
The environmental aftermath of war resonates just as deeply as its psychological impacts. Bombings and pollution introduce toxic materials into communities, making places like Gaza hazardous for future generations. Experts highlight that the sustained bombing has dispersed harmful substances like lead and mercury that severely affect reproductive health, leading to birth defects and long-term health issues. The environment in conflict zones becomes heavily contaminated, resulting in an environment deemed no longer conducive to healthy reproduction, raising alarms about future generations' health.
Asbestos contamination exemplifies the complex challenges faced by war-torn regions like Gaza. As structures crumble under bombardment, asbestos fibers are released into the air, leading to severe health risks, particularly cancer. Although asbestos was banned in Israel in 2011, its prevalence in older buildings persists, posing a grave risk to the population. The response to these health threats requires urgent intervention and awareness to prevent long-term devastation, particularly as war continues to unfold.
War inflicts lasting damage not only on its participants but also on entire communities, with repercussions that can span generations. In Gaza, the ongoing conflict has not only resulted in immediate casualties but has also introduced a plethora of long-term health and environmental hazards. Experts in the recent episode of The Stream discuss these grave issues, focusing on psychological impacts, malnutrition, and toxic environmental hazards unleashed by warfare. Alex Foley explains that PTSD from war significantly affects individuals physically and psychologically, leading to a decrease in brain function and contributing to serious health issues such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, environmental toxicologist Moran Saabi Isfahani warns of the dire consequences born from excessive bombing in Gaza, equating the weight of explosives used to atomic bomb levels, thereby introducing toxic metals and poisons into the community. Consequences of these toxins can threaten reproductive health and contribute to birth defects, signaling a war crime against future generations. Furthermore, the ramifications of asbestos exposure in the war-torn landscape pose an additional risk, as decaying structures release harmful particles that heighten the chance of severe health problems, including various cancers. As the situation in Gaza devours hope for the future, it underscores the critical need for global awareness and intervention to heal the wounds of war.As an American and a Vietnam era veteran who is deeply and everlastingly ashamed of my country, I hold Al Jazeera as the Gold Standard in Journalism Excellence---well done, my Brothers and Sisters!
অটোম্যান সাম্রাজ্যে ফিরে পেতে হলে, এই মুহূর্তে দুর্বল ইসরাইলের উপর চরম আঘাত হানতে তুরস্কের প্রেসিডেন্টকে অনুরোধ করছি।
It is often said we think we are better than you. I say no. We just are. You were told. For Israel has spoken.
Hamas should’ve thought about “long term consequences” before doing Oct 7. What did they expect to happen?