Palisades Fire Aftermath: Home Destroyed by Landslide

Palisades Fire Aftermath: Home Destroyed by Landslide
Eylul Sare Comez
  • 16 January 15:24, 2025
Following the Palisades Fire, new hazards emerge as homes are threatened by landslides. One house tragically split in half after surviving the fire, highlighting post-fire risks.
Post-Fire Landslide Risks in Southern California

Post-Fire Landslide Risks in Southern California

With the Palisades Fire starting new conversations about environmental safety, the aftermath has left experts warning of increased landslide risks. Southern California may see heightened fears as houses, previously deemed safe, could suddenly succumb to the shifting earth, especially after the devastating fire that raged through the area. The risk becomes more pronounced when rain falls upon the burnt terrain, prompting serious concerns among residents.

A Closer Look at the Damaged Property

A Closer Look at the Damaged Property

The rental property that met its fate, just two months after being listed, was a beautiful one-bedroom with breathtaking ocean views. As aerial surveys suggest, it was located precariously on the cliffs and took a hard hit from the earth sliding away. The dramatic footage showcases not only how the fire had spared this home but also how quickly nature reasserted itself, again highlighting the unpredictable threats homeowners face.

Community Preparedness and Awareness

Community Preparedness and Awareness

In light of this incident, the community is urged to prioritize preparedness for potential landslides. Educational programs addressing safety and awareness about land stability can help residents reduce risks. As weather forecasts predict rain on the horizon, local governments may also consider the implementation of measures to help safeguard properties in vulnerable spots and ensure that the community remains informed.

The Palisades Fire, now 21% contained, has not only threatened homes with flames but has also revealed new dangers in its aftermath. One unfortunate incident involved a home that survived the fire only to be destroyed by a landslide. As Rick Montañez reports live from the Pacific Palisades, this neighborhood has experienced devastating consequences due to the shifting earth, emphasizing the increased risk of landslides in post-fire conditions. As the fire diminished, the threat of landslides began to rise significantly. Aerial footage has revealed the destruction caused by the recent landslide, which split a rental property in half. Just above Pacific Coast Highway, the house, which was only listed two months prior, provided remarkable ocean views and access to the beach. With so many homes vulnerable in the area due to the fire, the risk of landslides remains a critical concern, especially as Southern California looks ahead to potential rain events. Moreover, the ecological aftermath of the fire has led to an increased likelihood of mudslides and earth movements due to the scorched terrain. Investigations reveal that the saturated earth, results not only from the recent fire but also from natural factors like water flow, could trigger further landslides. Communities previously unaffected now face additional hazards as they consider the ramifications of altered landscapes. Residents are reminded to remain vigilant and aware of these conditions as the rainy season approaches, making education on landslide prevention and awareness increasingly essential.
  • Palisades Fire
  • Landslide
  • California
  • Pacific Palisades
  • environmental risks



$14K a month for a one bedroom rental?!? Damn they got big money down there.


Greed $14,000 a month


Houses that are in fire zones should be built with cinder blocks and concrete tile roofs and no plants near the houses.


14k/month? Imagine that.


Landslides always come after fires


So maybe don’t rebuild in these uninhabitable areas


What do you think is going to happen when you build your home in a place like this? If the fires dont get you, the rain, or the earthquakes will!


who knew that building on weak, steep, unstable hillsides could be problematic


Natural disasters are increasing rapidly. We all need to be prepared to face them. Learn what to do in different disasters, prepare emergency evacuation backpacks, and at least a weeks supply of food and water in case of a loss of electricity, water and heating.


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