The Palama Valley region has witnessed catastrophic losses due to wildfires, primarily affecting family-owned farms. Farmers like Andy Lyall have reported that over 50% of their avocado crops have been damaged or destroyed. The extreme Santa Ana winds and dry conditions have created a perfect storm for agricultural disaster, with significant losses in both yield and revenue.
As California grapples with the aftermath of the wildfires, concerns about future food supply are mounting. With San Diego County as a major avocado producer, local grocery stores may face shortages of fresh produce in the coming months. The anticipated reduction in supply may lead to increased prices for avocados and other local produce, affecting both consumers and farmers alike.
The impact of the wildfires extends beyond immediate losses, raising awareness for the need of support for affected farming communities. Andy Lyall emphasized the importance of buying locally grown produce, urging consumers to consider California-grown fruits when shopping. As the farming community works towards recovery, advocating for assistance from state and federal agencies will be crucial in helping farmers rebuild.
The wildfires currently affecting California have caused severe damage to family farms, particularly in areas like Palama Valley. Farmers are reporting that they have lost approximately 50% of their avocado and citrus crops due to extreme weather conditions, including strong Santa Ana winds. Andy Lyall, a fourth-generation farmer from the region, highlighted how these winds uprooted not just trees but entire crops, hitting small family-operated farms particularly hard. Lyall expressed fears that these crop losses will affect food supply in grocery stores across California in the upcoming months. As San Diego County ranks second in avocado production in California, the impact on local growers could mean a significant decrease in the availability of locally grown fruit. With avocado prices expected to surge, consumers may find it harder to find fresh produce in stores this spring and summer. Community and economic implications are also notable as local farmers face a challenging road to recovery. With farming families like Lyall's struggling to sustain their livelihoods, the long-term effects on the agricultural ecosystem and local economy are uncertain. Many are calling for support from state and federal authorities to assist in recovery efforts.Say, Have you considered if the punishment of Allah should come upon you or the Hour should come upon you? Is it other than Allah that you will call upon, if you should be truthful? (40) Rather, it is Him that you call upon, and He will remove that to which you call upon Him, if He wills, and you will forget what you associate with Him. (41) And We had certainly sent to nations before you, and We seized them with poverty and hardship that perhaps they would humble themselves. (42) So why, when there came to them a punishment, did they not say, O Muhammad, do you not know? They humbled themselves with Our punishment, but their hearts hardened, and Satan made attractive to them what they were doing. (43) Then, when they forgot what they had been reminded of, We opened to them the doors of every [good] thing until, when they rejoiced in what they had been given, We seized them suddenly, and at once they were in despair
Cali WEF plan: dont take the underbrush out from under the trees nor control burn the fields because the Pacific pocket mouse nests in such 🔥🐀🔥🐀🔥🐀🔥🐀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 oops no more pocket mice
How are the mice ,what about the mice. Are they ok. We know the dumb fish are theyre under the water that could have saved lives. And so much from being lost. So. So. Sad 😢
WILDFIRES OF DISASTER & FUMES = 2025 ** Tears are a homeowner’s last resort When by fire we must say goodbye. Though the eyes are wet and swollen With time and patience, they dry. The shortest verse in the Bible Is the one where Jesus wept So, if you hold back tears, shed them When your pain is too harsh to accept. Be it fireman, soldier, or policeman All have known the rush off fears. To many among us forget their callings In mans world of disaster, loss and tears. California firestorms threaten millions As lungs consume smoke, dust, and toxic fumes No one knows how long they will burn As the consequences of what’s next still looms. By Tom Zart
JOE BIDEN, stop the USD millions to UKRAINE, you better send that MONEY to California🤦🏻♂️‼️‼️‼️